2 mins read

Smalland Survive the wild

 Smalland survive the wild is not only like Grounded but it is so much different and more realistic than cartoony. 

Smalland allows you to basically customize your character and make your own in-game server so that your friends along with randoms can join. 

This game is a base build, quest type game. You are basically going around and doing quests and following the story and series of events that have happen. 

Bugs will attack you and you cannot swim, you will have to respawn and if you don’t have the backpack setting on to save your stuff, you will have to go find your stuff or remake it. 

You are going to have to survive the environments, gather supplies for crafting armor, weapons and food to try to survive the wild. 

Sometimes this will include fighting bugs to get pieces your needing and I have to say some of them are tough. Be sure to make a work bench and some beds because your going to need it. 

To build you will need a hammer.

There are also owls on post guiding you around telling you how to do this which is nice. Their eyes light up when you haven’t read it. 

Also if your playing with friends, their antennas will glow the color they made them. If they’re close by you can see a halo or orb so you know where their location is. 

There is also a map you will be able to see them and location of things. 

You can also get a lady bug for storage but your going to have to make the travel bag that includes a treat for it and bonk it on the head and once you tame it, it will follow you everywhere unless you don’t want it to then you can tell it to stay.

Get it here.

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