Reviews are slowing down
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Reviews are slowing down

 Hi everyone, I have not really been posting reviews as much as I have been. I am currently taking care of Grizzly. He has acute kidney injury in his one and only Kidney and he has swelling in his hands and legs. His kidney is getting better but he is really swollen on his right hand, left knee, left foot, both elbows. I am hoping by next week I will be able to make reviews of games and so much more but taking care of my husband and kids are more important right now. 

Thank you for stopping by! We really appreciated it! 

~Lovely (CPT)

A little update. he also has rheumatoid arthritis along with AKI. When he went to the hospital his kidney was at stage 3 failure and he decided to go home November 30th. He got worse and decided to go back and they kept him overnight to manage fluids and other things and got it back up to stage 2. They kept him December 4th and let him go home since he was improving the 5th at lunch time. He then went back December 7th for the swelling in his hands and they confirmed he has rheumatoid arthritis or some other kind of autoimmune disease. 

He is kind of hurting and his knee is still swelling but waiting on the rest of test results Monday 18th 2023 along with treatment plan.