1 min read

Cyber Hunter

 Cyber hunter is a free to play game that is just like Farlight 84. It is also a mobile game that can be crossed played on steam. I personally enjoy this game. 

You can basically customize your character anyway you please. 

You can change hair styles and color, eye color, outfit, facial features like eyes, eye shapes, chin, cheeks, nose and a few more things. This game is fun and I actually liked it. It reminds me of Apex legends and PubG with a little bit of Fortnite. 

The diffence in this game and Farlight is you can jump together or jump apart like in Apex and if you jump off of buildings, you get a glider to glide down and in Farlight you just double jump. 

You get a drone that you can customize also that has glide, shields and health. You can also get skills by leveling up and you can use and unlock by collecting ultra titanium in game. If you kill people you can basically take their loot and ultra titanium. The game auto loots from the enemies and grabs things that you need and higher armor which is nice.

Some of the kills also allows you to spawn vehicles, shields, health, and forts which is nice. 

There are all kinds of weapon choices in this game from SMGs, rifles, snipers, Shotguns, H-wpns, and dual weapons. 

This game is cool but you can tell you are going up against mobile players so if you are playing on pc, you kind of get an advantage.

 Check it out since it is free.