1 min read

Xbox game pass

Many of times we often ask ourselves is it worth it and trying to look for answers on why it is. I can hands down say Xbox game pass is one of those things that you are needing in your life that you didn’t know you needed. 

Xbox game pass allows you to basically play any game you want to that is available on the pass. It gives you a subscription plan that allows you to get EA play and game pass. 

If you do game pass ultimate you get the DLCS and to be able to play it basically on phones and console. For consoles it gives Xbox live gold which is a nice deal. 

New games are added every month and they warn you which ones are going to be replaced. It is endless amount of fun and most of the games are coop and cross play  so you can team up with your friends. You can get a pass for advance so you don’t have to pay it every month which is nice. 

If a game goes off the pass you can buy it for 20% off which is a nice feature. If you are playing halo infinite on Xbox game pass you can log into it on steam and it carries the save and the achievements over and also allows you to play cross platform games on it. 

I honestly hands down enjoy the pass due to over the 100+ amount of games to choose from. 

Get Xbox game pass here 


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