1 min read


Terralysia is a bullet hell game that sort of favors Craftopia graphics. This game is actually fun and I actually enjoy it.

Every time you collect memory fragments, it brings out different parts of memory in the game and eventually when you complete all the missions and collect all the memory fragments in that level it unlocks other levels and I actually like that.

This bullet hell is different than the others like cup head and vampire survivors. It is actually 3d and kind of open so you can move around and see everything beside you unlike in vampire survivors. Each time you collect memory fragments and level up, it gives you different power up and perks.

You can also find chest around the map and it will also give you different power ups and fragments to complete the missions and quests. I am not going to lie, it is hard and each time you level up, the enemies get harder and harder so be mindful on how you use your power ups to be sure you are getting the best hits that will help you take out the enemies because they get hard and different ones comes out at different times in which hitting them once does not kill them.

Wishlist and get the game here!