2 mins read

Project Play time

 Project playtime is basically dead by daylight but with poppy playtime theme. It is so much fun if you can get 6 people in it to help you with the tasks. While one player is playing as the monster, the jack in the box, mommy long legs or buggy wuggy. 

There are only two different maps, the factory or the theater other than that I truly like the game but trying to follow all the lights and press all the buttons can be difficult while looking over your shoulder making sure there are no enemies and then you have to be sure to press the right ones and not mess up or it will alert them.

 Just like in Dead by daylight, if you mess up on a task it will alert the monster. It will also show the monster when you get a toy part. There are places you can hide in to escape and hold your breath until they pass.

 Whoever the monster is can open the locker/ closet you are hiding in and can grab you and stick you in a hole where mini huggy wuggies are ready to eat on you body if you do not hit them with your hands when they appear in the holes in the wall. 

It is still in early access. To play with friends, you have to create a game an then invite them that way since they are working on the other one. 

This game is fun but it does have bugs and quirks about it like in the tutorial, we did complete it and did get on the train but it did not allow the trains to close the doors and take us but other than that it is fine also saving the people from the hole had an issue but it is okay. There are still a lot of people in this game so check it out today! 


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