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Paragon: The Overprime | D.O.A game

 Paragon: The Overprime is a free PVP battle royal game. It is team based TPS action MOBA. You can play with friends or you can basically play alone.

 There are 6 different classes you can choose from Warrior, Support, Ranger, Caster, Tank, Assassin. In all total there are 31 heroes over all that you can choose from which is nice.

 I also like how most of the classes has about 5 heroes in it that you can choose from. This game is a third person shooter game that you will have to strategize on how you are going to take out the enemies. This game is only on Epic and Steam sadly so its only pc based for now. 

This game kind of reminds me of OverWatch and Paladins and warlander the way it looks.  This also includes league of legends and wow.

You basically have to level up your characters to get better perks.

 Some are saying this game is slowly dying due to graphics and penalties while looking for a game. Hopefully they can pick it back up and fix it so it doesn’t become like the other D.O.A games. 

You may have to jump into different regions to get a game since sometimes you will be waiting over 15 minutes since there aren’t many people playing.

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