Lord of the Fallen
1 min read

Lord of the Fallen

 Lords of the Fallen is a game that is just like Dark souls and Elden ring. Unlike Elden Ring we do not have to mod it to have it so that your friend can come in. 

You’re friend can stay however long they want to even if they die which is a bonus in this game and I am glad for it since every time one of my friends died in Elden ring we had to use the finger to bring them back in and it got hectic. 

This game you basically go around fighting enemies and monsters throughout the world. There are different weapons and powers that you can get to help you fight against the odds of the world.

 Lord of the Fallen is nothing like the 2014 version. It is so much better. The controls are easier and plus, the creatures are not hard to kill once so ever.

 Yes there maybe a few hard ones here and there but nothing to hetic except the crimson which is where a player from another world comes in for PVP battles.

 Luckily you do not lose anything if they kill you but if the world kills you, you will loose your souls and you have to go back to where you died to get them. This game also has a good story so check it out!

This games does crash, I am not going to lie and say it doesn’t because it does but they don’t get the crash reports on steam it goes to epic… since it is an unreal engine crash so Devs don’t really know about it because of this.  

You can buy it here 

Kinguin get it here! It is cheaper!