Hell Divers 2
1 min read

Hell Divers 2

Hell Divers 2 is just like a reskin of Second extension and Outriders. Except in Hell Divers 2 you’re running around killing bugs that are taking over while in Second Extension, you are running around killing dinosaurs that has taken over the world and you are killing them for research purposes that allows you to level up your guns and other things.

I don’t see why this game got all the hype when its exactly the same. Second extension died off and now this one that is identical is getting the hype. You are going around completing missions and doing pretty much the same thing you would do in second extension.

This game is not like the first one, it is 3rd person as in the first game was a top down shooter. This one allows you to do more and play with friends. Warning there is friendly fire in this game which allows you to kill and blow up your friends in which then you have to go and respawn them.

In our opinion, it is not worth the hype. It also crashes and lags out and on some of the pcs cannot even run it. We decided to refund it because its not even all that fun and it crashed out bad.

Get hell divers here

Get the game here!