Mech Arena

 Mech Arena is a free to play game for pc and mobile! This game is identical to war robots on steam but so much better, with more fluid controls and unlocks.  You can join friends once you hit division 10, which only takes the tutorial and a few matches to have that division, unlike in […]

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Grandma (grand musk auto)

 Grandma is a free steam meme game and a parody. You have two maps but 6 different game modes. You can play this single player or multiplayer. There can be up to 50-100 players of either actual player or bots but it can become hectic and crowded if you are playing on the office one […]

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World War Z

 World War Z is a survival zombie game that has nothing but hordes after hordes.  It is like left for dead but an updated version of it. It is a 4 player fps that has a story behind it. You do not have to have 4 players you can solo it or find a friend. […]

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 Soma is a good game. It has some horror to it and survival. It is more of a walking simulator trying to figure out what happened to the people and what happened to yourself. I personally enjoy Soma.   I actually beat it on the Ps4 a few years back but decided to revisit the game […]

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