It steals

 It steals is a maze puzzle game that is identical to golden light but not a prop hunt game. You are being hunted by a creature that basically steals your life every time he catches you.  You are going around looking for blue floating orbs trying to catch them all before you get caught by […]

1 min read


Unturned is a free Minecraft style zombie survival game that is in steam. The zombies are everywhere you turn and sometimes you may not even know they are there.  The zombies cannot read so far out so if you are really far away, you are safe but be sure to watch your surroundings.  They can […]

1 min read

Xbox game pass

Many of times we often ask ourselves is it worth it and trying to look for answers on why it is. I can hands down say Xbox game pass is one of those things that you are needing in your life that you didn’t know you needed.  Xbox game pass allows you to basically play […]

1 min read
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